Specialties and Areas of Focus:
My work recognizes and honors the unique
configuration that is you.
No matter what your challenges may be, you already have inside of you a pull towards wellness, a foundation, however solid or rocky, that seeks to integrate the many parts of you into a unifying whole, understanding that we are not one, but many things.
Self-Esteem Couples, Family, Relationship Issues
Codependency and Better Boundaries Separation and Divorce; Blended Families
Stress Management Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Feeling Overwhelmed Life Transitions
Parenting Support Family-of-Origin Work
Adult Survivors of Childhood Trauma and Abuse
Incest Recovery Grief, Loss and Bereavement
Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse Inner Child Work
Depression Parts Work/Internal Family Systems
Abandonment Issues Chronic Anger and Resentment
Adoption Sexuality
Releasing of Self-Defeating Patterns Conflict Resolution
Body Image and Issues Eating Challenges/Disorders
Hoarding Special Needs Families
OCD and Compulsive Behaviors LIfe Purpose
Creative Blocks Work and Career
Men’s Issues Integration of Body, Mind and
Spirituality Sexual Assault
Verbal Abuse Holisitic Living
Hearing Loss and Cochlear Implants Chronic “Doing”
Attention Deficit LGBTQ
Addiction and Recovery - drugs, alcohol, sex addiction, gambling. any and all behaviors
Health Challenges, including new diagnosis, living with cancer and/or chronic illness
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